Wednesday, November 3, 2010


also known as
This Oz may not be THE "Wizard of Oz" but he is stronger & more powerful than any wizard I know! He has a brain full of knowledge, a heart full of love, & more courage than the mightiest lion in the jungle!
In the story The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy is swept away to the Land of Oz by a tornado. She meets a lot of friends but has many challenges along the way. Her ultimate goal is to follow the yellow brick road that leads to "the Wizard". He is the only one who can get her back home.
Like Dorothy, my dad has encountered some large "tornadoes" but has faced each one with determination and faith!
This past February (2010) Oz was diagnosed with one of the biggest "tornadoes" he will probably face in this life- Melanoma (to read more about skin cancer click on this link: ).
It all started with an enlarged lymph node on the left side of his neck. His doctor gave him 3 rounds of antibiotics just thinking that he was sick & had some sort of infection. After the 3rd round of antibiotics & still not feeling better, the doctors decided to remove the lymph node & have it tested. They soon realized that he had Melanoma & that this was the 2ND site of cancer (they still aren't sure where the 1st site is). He later had a PET Scan & MRI done & the doctor found a new spot toward the back of his neck. They did surgery for the 2ND time & removed 17 other lymph nodes....not to gross you out, but they said they removed a piece of tissue as large as a steak! Yikes!! The doctors were pretty confident they had removed all of the cancerous areas but did radiation just to make sure. We all thought this was great & our dad would be okay!
Last month, October (2010).....Oz went in for a normal PET Scan. They found that the melanoma had metastasized (or moved) to his ribs/spine/legs/pelvic area. The major tumor that has been found is wrapped around his ribs & is destroying some of them. The good thing is that it has not been found in any organs! Last week doctors did a biopsy of the tumor on his ribs & concluded that it is Malignant Melanoma. This type of cancer unfortunately cannot be cured. Among all of this, Oz started seeing things in red, yellow & blue colors mostly when he would wake up in the morning or from a nap. He also started acting disoriented & was unsure of his surroundings at times. His cancer doctor decided an MRI needed to be done ASAP to make sure that the cancer has not spread to his brain. On Monday, Nov 1, 2010 the MRI was performed & the results showed that he has a tumor in the bones at the base of his skull close to the pituitary gland. (Luckily there is no sign that the cancer has gone into his brain, so that is good news!!!!) The pituitary gland is a small pea sized endocrine gland at the base of the brain. This area is very difficult to do radiation on because it can cause so many other problems for the patient. Yesterday the doctors spent about 2 hours measuring his radiation "mask" & getting everything exact & set up to start the radiation on the ribs & the base of the skull. We have not yet heard for sure when he will go in for his first round of radiation. But I will definitely keep you posted!!!
Not only did I want to start this blog to update family members & friends of this journey my dad is about to take but I also want it to be a place where my dad can come to feel the love of his family & friends & read stories to cheer him up!
So.....if you have stories & pictures of my dad or just anything good that you would like to share, we would love to hear it! (Please email stories, pictures, or words of encouragement to I will post as many as possible, as soon as possible!
My dad recently mentioned in talking to him that he hasn't "put his name out in the world, or done anything major to make a difference in this world". have been & are THE BEST dad that anyone could have & that is a MAJOR accomplishment to me!!! You have never given up on any of your children no matter what things we may have done wrong or that has hurt you. You are the definition of unconditional love. You have taught by example & no matter what has happened to you in have always stayed true to who you are & what you believe in. To are the are our are our Dad...& that is better than anything you could ever be in this world!! You are in our thoughts & prayers & we are all here for you! I love you Daddy!!! We all do!!! Stay strong & keep smiling!
"Any man can be a father.
It takes someone special to be a Dad."
~Author Unknown


  1. Brother Williams:
    You have no idea what you did for my family. My father wasn't active in the church in 1974...wasn't living the gospel in many ways before your chance meeting in the 20th ward in Las Vegas. My parents were on the verge of divorce(which unfortunately finally happened), but because of you and other priesthood leaders, good things happened in our lives. I believe that you helped my father change his life. We(his daughters) were all baptized. Three of the four of us have been through the temple. One of us served a full-time mission. All of us have good, strong families. We have developed a strong love for Jesus Christ and a testimony of the gospel...because you reached out to our hurting family. There is much I am sure that you don't know about my life, but I remember you and Karen with such fondness and love. I remember the kindness and love I always felt in your home. I love Kim as a sister. The Williams family is forever part of my heart. You have lived a simple life..but you have reached so many. God bless you in your struggle. I pray for you often. Thank you for living the gospel. Thank you for not giving up on my dad. You are a friend in the way Jesus described his follows in the scriptures. You made such a difference. People often say they don't know where they would be without the gospel. I do know....and I am grateful for those who have walked the path with me to change my life.
    I have great memories of your home. Fourth of July...sometime in the mid seventies, where you and my dad and Barry McLeod hung a pinwheel firework on the tree in your front yard and almost burned your house down. We thought that was spectacular. I think that is the one time I ever saw something close to your wife being angry! I played at your home often. It is a wonderful thing to remember those days.
    Hang in there, Brother Williams. My love and prayers are with you. I know that Heavenly Father will do what is best for you. I have faith in Him.
    All my love to you,
    Lisa Taylor Sowards - Terry Taylor's oldest

  2. I love my dear, sweet, soft spoken uncle! You have calmly always been there in my early memories. When I was younger I thought you were older then my Mom. We will keep checking in on you from Las Vegas.

  3. Our prayers and thoughts are with our wonderful Bishop Williams and his family. I hope he realizes how many lives he has blessed.

  4. This is Patricia, Ozzie's cousin in California. My Mother, Marian, was the sister of Ozzie, Sue, Judy and Barbara's Father, Omsyn. I grew up knowing Ozzie. He was a part of my life from when we were little until he went on his mission and married lovely Karen. Ozzie was 8 years older than I, so I was just a little kid who came to family dinners, etc. He will not know this, but Ozzie was my hero when I was growing up. I remember how calm, focused and kind he was. Kind, especially to a little cousin who he hardly knew. I remember him speaking of how he was looking forward to his mission and having a large, happy family. He was always grounded in his faith, his love of family and his priesthood. I am so happy that he is surrounded by all of you as he continues his destiny. While I can't be with you, please know that you are in my prayers. Cathy, my thoughts are especially with you and I am walking with you in spirit. Patricia Windsor

  5. Dear Bishop,

    I am going to miss you!I know I have not been around for the last 8 years or so but you have always been in my thoughts and prayers! You may not know this but I always thought of you as my 2nd father! You and Karen had a profound influence in my life! You always showed love towards me when I would come to you in the Bishop's office to tell you I had done something wrong. You always gave me fatherly advise that I would not put to use until I was 30 years old! Karen's death was very hard on me and I know it was for the rest of the Williams family! She was truly an inspirational lady and mother to me as well! For that I will never forget! I am especially grateful for the love and compassion you showed me through out the years! I am also grateful for your family bringing the gospel into my life! I love you Bishop and look forward to seeing you again and giving you a big hug!

    Cathy,Kim,Joe,John,Heather,Jared,Jason,Jenny, and Paul I miss you all and love you very much! You are all in my thoughts and prayers! May you be blessed with the Spirit of the Lord!

    With Love,

    Mike Sims and Family

    Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song;he has also become my salvation. 2nd Nephi 22:2

  6. Cousin Patty...if you get this, please email me @ According to my Dad, Don we were friends as babies. I can't make it to the funeral and don't know any other way to get in contact with you except this blog. I loved my Uncle Ozzie too.

    Las Vegas
